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My paintings proceed from a spontaneous reaction to the strength, power, and spirit of a subject.  As an artist, I find great inspiration in the gesture.  My work is a reaction to the figure, drawing on my love of bold, expressive colors paired with energetic brush strokes and lines.  I thrive on the immediacy of impulse where energy, spontaneity and passion are allowed to dominate the moment. 
A native Californian, I currently live in Venice Beach.  My work in the computer visual effects industry is a pursuit heavily based on photo realism and the depiction of artificial environments with exacting accuracy.  While this area certainly informs my observations, the canvas affords an opportunity to relinquish that precision; offering access into the abstract in favor of a more visceral answer.
In my paintings, figures emerge from abstraction with the intent of enticing the viewer’s gaze, drawn in by composition, color, and texture.  I love the use of a dynamic line to offer the paintings a feeling of animated movement.  I enjoy the use of charcoal, both crisp and soft, as an element drawing further attention to the paint. With this layering of media, I seek to begin a conversation between them; what is drawn and what is painted to be further resolved by the viewer.
I am inspired by life and emotion, to me the brush is an expression of the moment. 
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